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70+ Key HR Statistics & Trends in 2024

70+ Key HR Statistics & Trends in 2024

Human resources (HR) statistics are not just numbers on a page but the backbone of strategic decision-making and organizational growth. HR professionals leverage these statistics to streamline operations, enhance employee satisfaction, and boost corporate performance. 

In this article, we'll explore the latest HR statistics in 2024 so that you can improve your company's hiring processes, workplace culture, and employee retention with data-driven decisions. Let's begin!

Illustration of two people reviewing large data charts with the text "70+ Key HR Statistics & Trends".

Recruitment Statistics

Professionals in a meeting room with an AI-themed digital display on the wall

Recruitment remains a cornerstone activity, essential for sustaining business growth and innovation. As the job market continues to evolve, so do the strategies and metrics defining successful recruitment. 

Here, we delve into the pivotal recruitment statistics 2024, providing HR professionals with the insights needed to enhance their recruitment processes.

  • Gen Z prioritizes how workers are treated, followed by employer flexibility and quality of life, when choosing jobs (NSHS's Career Interest Survey).
  • The same survey also shows that providing constructive feedback increases the likelihood fourfold that someone will choose your company in the future.
  • According to Glassdoor's employer branding statistics, 86% of HR professionals see recruitment increasingly resembling marketing (Glassdoor's Employer Branding, 2021).
  • The same article shows that 86% of job seekers and employees research company reviews before applying.
  • Glassdoor also states that 75% of active job seekers will apply to a company that maintains a positive employer brand.
  • In the United States, 86% of women and 67% of men would avoid joining a company known for having a poor reputation, as Glassdoor states in the same article.
  • According to McKinsey & Company's article, 70% of employees feel that their work defines their sense of purpose.
  • WorkLeap states that the most desirable candidates typically secure a new job within ten days.
  • 67% of HR professionals view AI's impact on recruitment positively, although 35% express concerns about AI overlooking unique talents (Source: Tidio's article on AI recruitment)

Despite the advancements in recruitment technologies and strategies, challenges remain, such as adapting to the rapid pace of technological change and managing candidate expectations.

Opportunities include:

  • Leveraging data analytics for predictive hiring.
  • Enhancing candidate engagement through personalized communication.
  • Increasing diversity through unbiased recruitment practices and reducing bias in candidate screening.

By staying informed about these statistics and continuously adapting to the latest trends, HR professionals can meet these challenges and seize new opportunities to refine their recruitment processes. 

This proactive approach ensures that their organizations remain competitive and capable of attracting the best talent in the market.

Employee Engagement Statistics

Two professionals in a discussion at a modern office with a laptop and coffee on the table

Employee engagement remains a pivotal focus for organizations aiming to maximize productivity, retain top talent, and foster a positive workplace culture. 

As we delve deeper into 2024, understanding the nuances of employee engagement through data-driven insights is more critical than ever. 

  • As highlighted by a Toxic Work Environment Report by Career Blug, 72% of individuals have left jobs due to toxic work conditions, with another 51% considering leaving their current roles for the same reason.
  • The same study shows that the main reasons people leave their jobs include limited growth opportunities, poor work-life balance, unsafe conditions, harassment, and unfair management practices.
  • 84% of employees are willing to stay at their job if the employer works to create a more positive environment.
  • The same study states that the top changes employees wish to see include more opportunities for growth, better work-life balance, and improved training for managers.
  • The average tenure of a salaried employee with their current employer is 4.1 years, influenced by various demographic factors (Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics).
  • Gallup reports that at least 50% of the U.S. workforce comprises 'quiet quitters,' affecting mostly those under 35.
  • The Employee Engagement and Modern Workplace Report indicates that 84% of highly engaged employees have been recognized for their efforts, underscoring the link between recognition and engagement.
  • On average, office workers are productive for only about 3 hours daily, challenging HR to keep employees engaged and motivated. (Source: Voucher Cloud's productivity survey)
  • As Gallup states, 70% of employees state that the quality of their team leader significantly boosts engagement and work relationships.
  • Core drivers for engagement include purpose, development, ongoing support from caring managers, and a focus on strengths. Effective engagement strategies involve regular interactions and a focus on what employees do best.
  • Gallup also states that only 23% of employees globally and 33% in the U.S. are categorized as "engaged." 
  • Engaged employees significantly outperform their less engaged counterparts, producing better business outcomes across various industries and economic conditions.

High engagement leads to higher productivity, better customer service, and increased profitability.

It is clear that investing in engagement strategies directly correlates with improved business outcomes.

The more engaged the employees, the less likely they are to seek employment elsewhere, reducing turnover costs and the loss of company knowledge and skills.

Employee Retention Statistics

Employee retention is more than just keeping employees on board; it's about fostering a work environment that encourages commitment and satisfaction, ensuring your most valuable assets—your people—remain with your organization. 

  • Employee retention is the top priority for businesses in 2023, followed by recruiting and company culture (Source: HRReporter's article about HR priorities in 2023).
  • The leading methods to retain employees include improving company culture (22%), offering competitive salary and benefits (21%), and providing flexible schedules (18%) 
  • HRReporter also states that other significant areas of focus include:
    • employee growth and development (11%), 
    • training and learning (10%), 
    • cutting costs (9%), 
    • investing in managers and leaders (8%), 
    • making better decisions with data (7%),
    • improving employee benefits (5%), 
    • Advancing DEI programs and initiatives (4%).
  • The average tenure of employees in 2022 was 4.1 years, with the longest tenure found in government jobs (Source: BLS, 2022).
  • According to MetLife, less than half of the Zillennials (46%) are willing to stay with a company that lacks a clear and positive purpose, compared to 57% of all employees.

Organizations that offer flexible working arrangements are more likely to retain employees, especially in industries where such practices are becoming the norm.

Wellness programs show employees that their health and well-being are valued, which enhances loyalty and job satisfaction.

Technology can help identify retention risks and personalize HR interventions to address individual needs.

Remote & Hybrid Work Statistics

Woman in home office attending a video call with multiple participants on laptop.

As businesses around the globe continue to evolve, remote work has transitioned from a temporary solution during the pandemic to a permanent fixture in many organizations' operational strategies. 

  • Upwork reports that 37% of employees might leave their jobs if remote work options are unavailable.
  • 60% of employees with remote-capable jobs express a desire to work off-site for part of the week, while about one-third do not want to return to the office at all.
  • The average American spends 19% of their annual income commuting, totaling about $8,466 and 239 hours each year, leading to various stress-related issues.
  • Employees resist returning to the office without clear and convincing reasons and prefer transparency about when and why in-office presence is expected.
  • Maintaining a healthy remote work culture is essential for ensuring all employees feel supported and connected, regardless of their physical location.
  • Statista highlights that 43% of remote or hybrid workers feel excluded from meetings.
  • According to Forbes, 53% of employees with flexible schedules experience improved focus, and 29% report increased productivity.
  • A Vistech survey indicates that 46% of employers report decreased office space needs, and 59% plan to reduce office space capacity by at least half in 2023.
  • 84% of employees who worked remotely during the pandemic now prefer a hybrid working model. (Source: Office for National Statistics)
  • McKinsey's survey reveals that 58% of employees feel more productive under hybrid working conditions.
  • The same McKinsey survey notes improvements in diversity and inclusion (54%) and a 45% increase in employee engagement due to hybrid work models.
  • The Guardian states that 75% of managers assert that remote working enhances productivity, and 62.5% say it increases motivation.

Remote work flexibility has led to shifts in employee expectations regarding work-life balance and job opportunities.

An increase in perceived productivity challenges traditional notions about the workplace environment and its role in employee output.

Employee Satisfaction & Wellness Statistics

Three HR professionals in a modern office meeting with documents and a tablet on the table.

Employee satisfaction refers to how content employees are with their jobs and work environment. It encompasses various factors, including job roles, workplace culture, compensation, and opportunities for professional growth.

As businesses continue to navigate a rapidly changing work environment, understanding the current landscape of employee satisfaction through statistics is more crucial than ever. 

This section highlights key metrics and insights that can help organizations enhance their workplace strategies.

  • CNBC states that over 40% of workers report feeling burned out.
  • Young adults aged 18 to 29 and women are particularly susceptible to burnout, with 48% of young adults and 46% of women experiencing high levels of burnout compared to their older or male counterparts.
  • Employees under 35 are increasingly disengaged from their jobs, significantly more so than older employees.
  • MetLife reveals that job satisfaction has been at its lowest level in two decades.
  • According to MetLife, health insurance, retirement plans, dental, paid leave, and vision coverage are the top benefits candidates expect, with 70% considering them essential.
  • Job satisfaction among U.S. workers has hit a 20-year low, with 'Zillennials' (those born between 1993 and 1998) reporting the lowest satisfaction levels among all age groups.
  • Top benefits that Millennials believe would improve their well-being include paid and unpaid leave (74%), work-life management programs (67%), mental wellness benefits (62%), and financial support programs (55%).
  • According to Benefits Canada, in 2022, one-third of employees stated that flexibility is their employer's most crucial support action for mental health.
  • According to LinkedIn, 70% of employees would decline a position at a highly regarded company if it meant having to endure a poor work environment.
  • As reported by LinkedIn, one-quarter of employees would consider leaving their current jobs due to a negative workplace atmosphere.
  • LinkedIn also notes that 65% of workers would accept lower pay over enduring a negative work environment.
  • As Upwork states, nearly half (46%) of workers would leave a job if it interfered with their personal life enjoyment, and 93% of workers rate work-life balance as equally important as pay.

Simple recognition practices can lead to substantial improvements in employee satisfaction and engagement.

Improving work-life balance can drastically enhance employee satisfaction and reduce turnover rates.

Regular feedback helps employees feel valued and allows them to continuously improve.

HR Onboarding Statistics

Person at a modern office desk with dual computer monitors, with colleagues in the background.

Effective onboarding is crucial for setting new employees up for success, enhancing their engagement, and improving retention rates. 

In this section, we explore significant statistics that highlight the importance of onboarding and provide insights into optimizing onboarding processes.

  • As stated in the Harvard Business Review article, implementing a formal onboarding program can lead to 50% higher retention and a 62% increase in productivity.
  • 91% of employees who received company swag felt warmly welcomed (Source: InfoQ's article on remote onboarding.)
  • According to Clickboarding's article, 69% of employees are likelier to stay with a company for three years if they experience effective onboarding. 
  • Only 37% of companies continue their onboarding programs beyond the first month.
  • Clickboarding also states that organizations with a standard onboarding process experience 50% greater new hire productivity.
  • Also, it is said that it typically takes about eight months for a new hire to achieve full productivity.
  • As stated in Microsoft's article on onboarding, new hires are 3.5 times more likely to be satisfied with their onboarding experience if their managers are actively involved.
  • The same article also shows that those actively engaged by their managers during onboarding are 1.2 times more likely to feel they contribute effectively to their team's success.
  • Apart from these, having an onboarding buddy significantly enhances a new hire's satisfaction with onboarding resources, aids in finding appropriate contacts for their queries, and helps them build their network and productivity in their new role.
  • Microsoft's article also states that employees who interacted with their onboarding buddy at least once during their first 90 days felt more productive quickly, with the number increasing significantly based on the frequency of interactions:
    • 56% for those who met once,
    • 73% for those who met 2-3 times,
    • 86% for those who met 4-8 times,
    • 97% for those who met more than eight times.

Digital AI HR tools can streamline the onboarding process, making it more efficient and accessible, especially for remote employees.

Personalizing onboarding experiences ensures new hires receive relevant information and training tailored to their specific roles and career aspirations.

General HR Statistics

  • According to IBISWorld's study, the HR sector is anticipated to expand by 12.8% annually, outpacing the US market average.
  • The same study by IBISWorld also states that nearly one million HR professionals are across over 380,000 businesses.
  • IBISWorld's study shows that The Human Resources & Benefits Administration industry has grown at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.3% over the past five years, reaching an estimated revenue of $93.8 billion by 2023.
  • The industry employs around 1 million people, growing 4.8% from 2018 to 2023.
  • Approximately 440,000 businesses within the industry have seen a growth rate of 6.2% from 2018 to 2023.
  • Outsourcing of HR and benefits administration tasks has increased, particularly as businesses look to recover and grow post-pandemic, thus driving up demand for these services.
  • Adopting new technologies for automating HR tasks like payroll, attendance tracking, onboarding, and benefits enrollment has driven growth in the industry.
  • According to BLS, as of early November 2023, there were 8.7 million job vacancies.
  • On average, it takes 44 days for employers to fill a position (Source: SHRM).
  • SHRM also states that new hires are significantly more satisfied with their onboarding experience when their managers are actively involved, emphasizing the importance of managerial engagement in the onboarding process.
  • Personalizing the onboarding experience for each new employee through individualized attention and frequent one-on-one discussions proves highly effective.


As we've explored throughout this detailed examination of HR statistics, the strategic use of data is fundamental to the success of any organization.

By staying informed and adapting to the insights provided by HR metrics, professionals can significantly enhance workplace practices, improve employee satisfaction, and drive organizational success. 

Embrace these statistics as tools for transformation and lead your HR initiatives toward a more data-driven future.

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Hey, I am Berna from the Growth Marketing Team! 🙋🏻‍♀️ As the Growth Marketing Specialist, I’ve had the privilege of working with the incredible team at Popupsmart for over a year. I’ve been passionate about curating content that connects with our target audience right from day one. And when I’m not busy crafting content for our blog, social media & other channels, you can often find me immersed in a good book, exploring new movies, or spending time with my lovely cat!